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Incase your employer is not paying salary. What should you need to do?"


Not receiving a promised salary can be a stressful and overwhelming situation. If you believe your employer is not paying you fairly or as agreed, there are a few steps you can take to try to resolve the issue.

  1. Review your employment contract and any relevant laws: Make sure you understand what your employment contract says about your salary and any relevant laws in your jurisdiction that may apply.

  2. Try to communicate with your employer: Start by having an open and honest conversation with your employer. Ask them about the delay and try to understand the situation from their perspective.

  3. Document everything: Keep a record of all communications, pay stubs, and other relevant documentation related to your salary.

  4. Consider alternative resolution methods: If you are unable to resolve the issue through communication, you may consider alternative resolution methods, such as mediation or going to the labor board.

  5. Consult a legal professional: If all else fails, you may want to consider consulting with a legal professional who can provide advice on your rights and options.

Remember, these steps may vary depending on the laws and regulations of your specific jurisdiction. is a platform for employer reviews and ratings, and while we provide information and resources to assist users, we cannot provide legal advice.


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